Signs of cocaine use often include obsessive thoughts about the drug, failed attempts at stopping, and drastic changes in behavior. A person who has an addiction may encounter financial problems, relationships, and a deterioration in health. A cocaine addiction treatment program in Florida can help a user overcome their addiction and get on the road to recovery. Beaches Recovery is ready to help. Call 866.605.0532 now to learn more about a variety of treatment options.

The signs of cocaine use are not always evident. Furthermore, a person can develop an addiction over a period of months or years. Consequently, it may difficult to identify when a person has a substance abuse problem. Let’s take a closer look below at some of the signs of cocaine addiction and use.

An Obsession with Cocaine

A person who is obsessed with cocaine usually positions it at the center of their thoughts. Cocaine use becomes a lifestyle, not just a habit. A user may watch movies about cocaine, keep a stash available at all times, and take a hit one or more times daily.

An obsession becomes apparent when the user thinks and talks about cocaine all of the time. They may get to a point where they can’t envision their lives without using the substance. They may also get defensive, if a friend or family member suggests that they may have a problem. 

Inability to Quit Using Cocaine

When a user realizes that they have a problem with cocaine (even if they don’t admit it out loud), they may attempt to quit using the drug on their own. As a result, they may experience withdrawal symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, agitation, insomnia, or depression. These symptoms can be a deterrent to staying clean.

A better option is to enter a Jacksonville, Florida drug rehab center. An addiction treatment center provides effective programs, facilities, and a full staff that can provide professional support for the addict. With the right treatment, a cocaine user has a better chance of lifelong recovery. 

Changes in Behavior

When a person becomes addicted to cocaine, friends and family may notice changes in their behavior. These changes may include: 

  • A decline in appearance or hygiene
  • Neglecting responsibilities at home, school, or work
  • Willingness to engage in risky or dangerous behavior
  • Episodes of anxiety, depression, or another mental disorder
  • Isolation from friends, family, or coworkers 

Conflict in Relationships

One of the most common signs of cocaine use is a slow deterioration in relationships. Friends or family may ignore someone’s cocaine habit at first. However, the user will almost always have a negative impact on those closes to them. They may become abusive, neglectful, distant, or reckless.

Their behavior eventually alienates others. When this is coupled with a feeling of isolation, a cocaine addict can easily cause conflicts in relationships, losing those that care for them the most. They may also cause loved ones to experience depression, anxiety, anger, or other extreme emotions that are related to addiction. 

Professional & Financial Problems

Addiction to drugs or alcohol can take a significant toll on a person’s or family’s finances or job. When a supervisor notices irresponsible behavior from the user, the boss may fire them from their job. As a result, the addict may pull money from their checking or savings account to maintain their habit.

Someone who is obsessed with cocaine will steal from others, beg for money, or engage in dangerous behavior to keep using the drug. Eventually, they lose everything. Regardless of the consequences, they will keep using cocaine until they finally hit rock bottom. 

Recognize the Signs of Cocaine Use and Get Help

If you or a loved one are struggling with cocaine addiction, now is the time to get help. An addiction rehab center in Florida has everything you need to get clean and stay clean for life. Contact Beaches Recovery at 866.605.0532 to get started.